Litigation is a core strength of Lytle Law and the principal foundation of our success. We bring and defend lawsuits for our clients in courts across the Commonwealth on matters spanning all areas of our practice.

We offer a variety of flexible fee arrangements, from hourly-based to contingency to fixed fee or some hybrid thereof.

Lytle Law is neither too large to handle a small claims matter nor too small to handle a major, complex case. Proficient in the latest trial technologies and case management techniques, we are fully prepared to handle clients' litigation needs. However, if the occasion warrants it, we will associate other, more specialized, counsel at no extra expense to our clients.

We practice in federal and state trial and appellate courts, administrative agencies and before arbitration panels throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our staff aids our trial attorneys in managing document production, creating witness files, and producing trial graphics and displays. We have appealed and won cases before the Virginia Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals.

If you find yourself facing a case that must be litigated through trial, we are prepared to represent you.